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Intérieur de chalet moderne, Architecture d'intérieur et décoration - Sublimez votre chalet de luxe dans les stations prestigieuses du Valais, telles que Zermatt, Verbier, Crans-Montana et Gstaad, avec nos services spécialisés. Notre équipe d'architectes d'intérieur expérimentés et passionnés vous offre des solutions sur mesure pour créer des espaces élégants et confortables. De la conception de cuisines haut de gamme aux aménagements de salles de bains luxueuses et aux espaces de vie chaleureux, nous donnons vie à vos rêves. Avec un souci du détail et une connaissance approfondie des matériaux de qualité, nous nous engageons à vous offrir une expérience de design exceptionnelle. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour discuter de votre projet et obtenir un devis personnalisé.


An exceptional service

At atelier jorand, we want our customers to benefit from a fair and pleasant purchasing experience. See our shop policies below for more information and contact us if you have any questions.

Politiques de la boutique: Politiques de la boutique


About our policy

1. Object

1.1 These general conditions of sale (the “General Conditions”) are applicable to product orders placed by mail, telephone, mobile or internet with Atelier-jorand sàrl (“Atelier-jorand sàrl”). By placing an order with Atelier-jorand sàrl, the consumer (the "Buyer") accepts the application of these General Conditions.
1.2 No general conditions contrary to or derogating from these General Conditions are applicable between Atelier-jorand sàrl and the Buyer.
1.3 The general conditions of sale also apply to all products delivered directly by our partners whose products we sell.


2. Order

2.1 By placing an order with Atelier-jorand sàrl, the Buyer declares that he enjoys the exercise of civil rights. Minors or persons under curatorship (guardianship) must, prior to any purchase, provide written authorization from their legal representative or curator (guardian) before they can place an order.

3. Conclusion of contract

3.1 When an order is made by mail, the contract (the "Contract") is concluded at the time of acceptance by Atelier-jorand sàrl of the order sent by the Buyer.
3.2 If an order is placed by telephone, the Contract is immediately concluded unless Atelier-jorand sàrl expressly refuses it.
3.3 In the event of an order by mobile or internet, the Contract is concluded at the time of confirmation of the order by Atelier-jorand sàrl. This confirmation is sent to the Buyer after validation of his order by pressing the "confirm" button.
3.4 Atelier-jorand sàrl assumes no responsibility for the fact that goods ordered can no longer be delivered due to lack of available stocks, additional supplies or production.
4.5 Atelier-jorand sàrl remains free to remove or modify the offer of products offered, at its sole discretion and at any time.
3.6 Within 24 (twenty-four) hours following the conclusion of a Contract with Atelier-jorand sàrl, the Buyer may ask Atelier-jorand sàrl to modify or cancel the Contract. Atelier-jorand sàrl remains free to accept or refuse the Purchaser's request for modification or cancellation.
The Buyer may not, under any circumstances, modify or cancel a Contract with atelier-jorand sàrl when he has ordered items which have been manufactured and/or personalized at his request or when the items ordered are already being manufactured. .

4. Price

4.1 The selling prices of the products are indicated in Swiss Francs (CHF). They include VAT and any reductions applicable on the day of the order.
4.2 Sale prices do not include delivery costs. The amount of delivery costs is added to the sale price. For orders made by mobile or internet, the delivery costs are indicated in the order summary (“basket”).
4.3 Once the order has been validated, its price cannot be modified.
4.4 Subject to the foregoing, Atelier-jorand sàrl is authorized to modify, at its sole discretion and at any time, the price of the goods offered.

5. Delivery costs

5.1 The delivery price is explicitly indicated on the atelier-jorand sàrl website.

6. International delivery costs

6.1 The delivery price is explicitly indicated on the atelier-jorand sàrl website.

7. Delivery time

7.1 The delivery times indicated in these General Conditions are given as an indication. This is in no way a commitment. The Buyer is required to accept any delivery of products, even if the delivery is received after the time indicated.
7.2 An indicative delivery time is shown, for each item, in the "product sheet". For internet and mobile orders, the delivery time for an entire order is indicated in the order summary (“basket”).
7.3 Non-compliance with a delivery time does not give the Buyer any rights against Atelier-jorand sàrl.


8. Delivery

8.1 Deliveries are made, depending on the goods, by the Post Office, by the shipping service mandated by Atelier-jorand sàrl or by the delivery services of our partners. Deliveries are made in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
8.2 If the Buyer does not take possession of the goods sent by post within 7 days, Atelier-jorand sàrl may automatically consider the order as canceled and recover the goods. If a sale price has been paid, this will be returned to the Buyer after deduction of the costs associated with the return of the goods. If no price has been paid, the Buyer will be billed for the cost of returning the goods.

9. Transfer of risk

9.1 The transfer of risk - which includes the risk of loss as well as the degradation of the goods - passes to the Buyer at the time of receipt of the goods.
9.2 If the Buyer does not take possession of the goods, the transfer of risk passes to the Buyer when the goods are returned to Atelier-jorand sàrl.
9.3 If the Buyer returns goods to Atelier-jorand sàrl, the Buyer bears the risks until receipt of the goods by Atelier-jorand sàrl.

10. Terms of return or exchange

10.1 Items delivered by Atelier-jorand sàrl can be returned or exchanged within 14 days of receipt of the delivery at the Buyer's expense.
10.2 Returned or exchanged items must be intact and complete, in their original packaging (with the label containing its references) and accompanied by the delivery slip. If returned or exchanged items do not meet the aforementioned conditions, Atelier-jorand sàrl is entitled to return the goods to the Buyer and invoice him for them. The delivery costs may, in this case, be borne by the Buyer.
10.3 In case of return of goods, the costs of return are the responsibility of the Buyer.

10.4 In the event of an exchange of goods, the return costs are the responsibility of the Buyer.

10.5 In the event of partial deliveries, the period begins to run upon receipt of each package.
10.6 Items delivered by the shipping service mandated by Atelier-jorand sàrl can be returned or exchanged using the same service. The Buyer who returns goods by shipping service must first contact the customer service of Atelier-jorand sàrl or use the contact form made available on the internet ( ) in order to organize the return of the goods.

11. Payment

11.1 Payment for the goods can be made on the basis of an invoice, by credit card (Visa, Mastercard and Postcard), by Paypal payment or by gift cards.
11.2 By placing an order with Atelier-jorand sàrl, the Buyer expressly authorizes Atelier-jorand sàrl to check its solvency with third-party organisations.
11.3 Atelier-jorand sàrl may unilaterally impose a method of payment on the Buyer or refuse to enter into a Contract with him.
11.4 Regardless of the method of payment used, the Buyer understands and accepts that his payment may pass through a financial intermediary subject to legal obligations in terms of money laundering.
> payment by invoice
11.5 In the event of payment by invoice, Atelier-jorand sàrl will send the Buyer a detailed invoice and a payment slip when ordering.
11.6 Insofar as a latency is possible between the recording of payments and the return of goods, the Buyer is authorized to automatically deduct from the balance indicated on the account statement in favor of Atelier-jorand sàrl the payments or returns made in the meantime and which would not have been taken into consideration.
11.8 The Purchaser may make payment in favor of Atelier-jorand sàrl at a post office counter, by e-banking transfer or by blank payment slip.
11.9 In the event of an e-banking transfer, the Buyer must use the contact details mentioned on the invoices or attached to the account statement. 
> Payment by credit card
11.12 Atelier-jorand sàrl accepts payment by Visa, MasterCard and Postcard credit cards.
11.13 In the event of payment by credit card (except Postcard), the Buyer's credit card will be debited when the goods are dispatched. If an item is sold out or cancelled, Atelier-jorand sàrl will not charge it to the Buyer's credit card.
11.14 In the event of payment by Postcard, the Purchaser's credit card will be debited at the time of the order. If an item is sold out or cancelled, Atelier-jorand sàrl will reimburse the Buyer on his card.
11.15 Atelier-jorand sàrl is in no way responsible for costs related to a debit.
> Payment by Paypal
11.16 The Buyer can pay Atelier-jorand sàrl through his Paypal account. In this case, an order confirmation will be sent by e-mail to the Buyer.
11.17 The use of Paypal is exclusively reserved for purchases made via the website. An order placed by telephone or by mail does not allow the use of Paypal.
11.18 The Buyer's PayPal account will be debited when the goods are dispatched.
> Payment by gift cards
11.19 Atelier-jorand sàrl accepts payment by gift cards activated in the “Gift Cards Area”.
11.20 Gift cards cannot benefit from any other promotional offer.
11.21 The amount of the gift card is deducted after the validation of an order and will only be visible in the Buyer's next account statement.

12. Retention of title

Subject to provisions to the contrary provided for by applicable legislation, ownership of the products delivered shall not pass to the Buyer before full payment for the products.

13. Product Verification

13.1 The Buyer must inspect the products within 2 (two) days of receipt and must immediately notify Atelier-jorand sàrl of any defect or damage caused to the products. In the absence of notice from the Buyer within the aforementioned period, the products are deemed to have been received in good condition, without defects or damage, and accepted as is, with the exception of non-apparent defects.
13.2 In the event of finding a non-apparent defect, the Buyer must, immediately upon discovery, notify Atelier-jorand sàrl of this defect. The Buyer will be deprived of his rights in the event of late notice.

14. Warranty

14.1 Subject to the incumbency provided for in provisions 13.1 and 13.2, all products sold by Atelier-jorand sàrl are guaranteed for 6 (six) months. The guarantee takes effect on the date of delivery of the article and is justified by the invoice which accompanies the product.

14.2 For the sake of clarity, the warranty granted does not cover defects resulting from an accident, mishandling, improper use or unauthorized modification or repair as well as defects which are the consequence normal wear and tear of the products over time.
14.3 To claim a guarantee, the Buyer must send to Atelier-jorand sàrl, at its own expense, the goods under guarantee which are the subject of a defect.
14.4 If Atelier-jorand sàrl finds a case of guarantee, it may, at its sole discretion, replace the defective product and/or parts with another product deemed equivalent, respectively with spare parts or proceed with a repair. . If there is no equivalent product or spare parts or if it is not possible to repair the product, Atelier-jorand sàrl may, according to its assessment of the extent of the defect noted, compensate the Buyer for the loss in value of the item caused by the defect or reimburse the purchase price in full.

14.5 Atelier-jorand sàrl undertakes to make its best efforts to process the warranty claim within a reasonable time.

15. Protection of personal data

15.1 During orders, personal data of a Buyer are collected and are subject to computer processing.
15.2 Atelier-jorand sàrl ensures that the data of its customers are processed in accordance with the legislation in force. The data recorded by Atelier-jorand sàrl is used in particular for recording and processing orders, administering customers' personal accounts, carrying out marketing studies and compiling statistics. The purpose of data processing is improvement, quality control of services as well as market research.
15.3 The Buyer authorizes and gives his consent to Atelier-jorand sàrl so that the latter can in particular:


- obtain or forward their registered data to third parties insofar as this is essential for the performance of a certain service (e.g. administration and management of personal accounts, monitoring of payments, payment of goods to a supplier , use of a financial intermediary, etc.);

- communicate to a third party all its data necessary for the recovery of debt(s).
15.4 The Buyer may, at any time, limit or prohibit the use or communication of his data for marketing and advertising purposes.


16. Abuse of promotional codes

16.1 Atelier-jorand sàrl can send promotional codes to Buyers so that they benefit from special offers. These promotional codes are personal and non-transferable. Under no circumstances should they be communicated to third parties or on promotion sharing platforms.
16.2 The Buyer who receives a promotional code is only authorized to use it once according to the conditions of the offer. The Buyer is prohibited from using promotional codes other than those addressed to him.
16.3 Any abuse of promotional codes (for example by multiplying purchases with different accounts, by entering promotional codes intended for third parties, by multiplying purchases in a short period of time, etc.) entails the right of Atelier-jorand sàrl to i) withdraw from the contract, to ii) claim the return of the goods ordered in violation of this provision as well as iii) to claim damages from the Buyer who commits the abuse. Proven abuse of promotional codes also authorizes Atelier-jorand sàrl to charge the Buyer an amount of CHF 100.-- for administrative and management costs.

17. Code of Ethics

17.1 Atelier-jorand sàrl requires its suppliers to undertake to observe the rules issued by the International Labor Organization “ILO” (International Labor Organization - “ILO”), and in particular the conventions aimed at eliminating work children, to abolish slavery and forced or compulsory labour.

18. Modification of the General Conditions

Atelier-jorand sàrl reserves the right to unilaterally modify its General Conditions at any time. Nevertheless, the Contract will be governed by the General Conditions in force at the time of its conclusion.

Politiques de la boutique: Conditions générales de vente
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